Improving the mechanisms of sustainable development public governance of Ukrainian regions in the context of globalization: an adaptive approach

Keywords: sustainable development of regions, public governance of regions’ sustainable development, globalization, mechanisms of public governance of regions’ sustainable development, adaptation.


The success of state development is impossible without the successful development of territorial communities, local development and regions’ sustainable development. In the context of globalization, effective public governance of regions’ sustainable development is necessary, and it is impossible without the use of effective management mechanisms.

The processes of globalization make new demands on the system of national public administration systems’ functioning at all levels, which should become an effective and efficient means of resolving complex intercultural contradictions, especially those arising in the process of harmonizing mechanisms of nation states’ joint functioning in the world. Coordination of relations between states and the establishment of cooperation effective forms are also important.

All this may fully apply to regional development, as the interaction between the regional and national economy in modern conditions is characterized by increasing role of local government and expanding the regional full powers in the field of international initiative. The effectiveness of regions’ social development today (in the context of globalization) can not be achieved only on the basis of solving internal socio-economic problems. We consider it appropriate to apply an adaptive approach to improving the public governance mechanisms of regions’ sustainable development in the context of globalization, understanding the “governance mechanism” as a system designed for practical implementation of decisions, which has a certain structure, methods, levers, tools, object of management; with appropriate legal, regulatory and information support.

Prospects for future research in this area are to identify and justify the types of adaptation to improve public governance mechanisms for sustainable regional development in the context of globalization, as well as to develop proposals for a draft policy document that would reflect the adaptive capabilities of the state and regions. Adaptation as a process, method and result of adapting the system of public administration at different levels to new conditions is a kind of response to the globalization’s call-in.


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Author Biography

Kateryna Bodnar, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

post-graduate student of the Department of Economic Policy and Management of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kharkiv


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Regional and Industrial Management