Public administration of innovative development of the national health care system

Keywords: public administration in health care, innovation activity, mechanism of public administration, reforming, health care system, Ukraine.


Socio-economic development of the country has been determined by innovations in the social sphere, which are the main tool for improving the quality of life of the population. Innovation policy in public health, as an element of the state regulation system, should have clearly defined goals of state policy; authorities that implement functions that ensure the achievement of the stated goals; information system forming the information image of the regulatory object, sufficient for the implementation of the completeness of management functions, the tools of regulation and support, through which the public administration affects the organization and the environment within the scope of its functions.

State support for innovation activity is ineffective if the macroeconomic environment in the country is unfavorable for the development and spread of innovation. The main reasons for the low efficiency of the public policy in the innovation sphere are the constant non-implementation of normative acts on the activation of scientific and innovation activities. This leads to the destruction of the integrity of the innovation process, which, above all, causes a slowdown in the mechanism for introducing innovations. All this manifests itself in a low or even no economic effect from investing in fundamental and applied research.

After analyzing the regulatory framework of the public's innovation policy, it should be noted that the number of documents on this subject is sufficient, but their quality needs improvement. Many of them are not coordinated with each other, superficial, that is, those that determine only general provisions without detailed specification and do not regulate the stage and sequence of the innovation process.

Analysis of the accepted methods of state regulation of innovation processes in Ukraine shows that direct methods are carried out mainly in two forms: administrative-departmental and program-targeted. The administrative-departmental form is manifested in direct subsidy financing, and program-targeted - through sectoral management bodies and carried out in accordance with special laws.

The research of the current state of the problem has made it possible to suggest an author's classification of innovation activity in the health care system of Ukraine in the following directions: innovative activity on provision of medical aid (improvement of the process of provision of medical care, improvement of professional qualifications of medical staff, improvement of medical care provision conditions); on the improvement of existing and the invention of new drugs; on improvement of existing and invention of new medical products; on increasing the level of medical education; on improvement of regulatory and legal support; on improving information security; in the field of health insurance.

The possible ways of improvement of these processes in some abovementioned directions of development are offered. Our further intelligence and publications will be devoted to the economic mechanism and motivations of public administration to support the innovative development of the social sphere of Ukraine, including the national health system.


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Author Biography

Zinoviy Nadyuk , LRI NAPA, Lviv

Doctor of Public Administration, Рrofessor of Public Administration Department,


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