Institute of presidency in Uzbekistan in the context of indexes of democracy

Keywords: the institute of presidency, constitutional authorities of the institute of presidency, indexes of democracy.


The article considers the historical conditions of appearance and the process of establishment of the institute of presidency in Uzbekistan. Its constitutional authorities from 1991 to 2018, their impact upon the legislative, judicial and executive power branches are considered. The attention is paid to the fact that the country was one of the first among the post-Soviet states who introduced the institute of the presidency. Based on this the assumption is made that this, obviously, influenced the strengthening of the authorities of the first secretary of Uzbekistan Communist Party as the authorities of the president of the country and became one of the reasons of the authoritative regime. With regard to the above, the research provides the detailed analysis of the constitutional mechanisms of the formation of the republican Senate, appointment and dismissal of the Public Prosecutor General, Head of the Auditing Chamber, head of the National Bank, Head of the National Security Service, Prime-Minister and members of the government, heads of the regions and districts (hokims), judges of the inter-district, district, city, military, and economic courts. Special attention is focused on studying the reasons for the parliament dismissal, analysis of the constitutional norm, which gives a corresponding right to the head of the state to dismiss both chambers of the legislative body of the state. The correlation is studied between the constitutional authorities of the head of the state and values of such basic indexes of its democratic development as the Bertelsmann transformation index, Freedom in the World index and “Polity IV”. The research compares the values of such indexes for Uzbekistan, with the corresponding indexes of Russian Federation, Ukraine and Poland. Based on the comparison of these indexes the conclusions are made as to the level of the democracy development, impact of the constitutional authorities of the head of the state on slowing down of this development, searching for the ways of the democracy acceleration, directions of further continuation of the research. The attention is paid on the tendency of the Russian Federation movement towards the establishment of the authoritative regime. The special attention is paid to the amplification of the constitutional authorities of the institute of presidency of Uzbekistan, absence of the mechanisms of the restriction and contradiction, the theses are grounded on the country relation to the lost counties, countries with the established authoritative regime, the ways of its democratization are suggested.


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Author Biography

Oleg Paska , LPNU, Lviv

PhD in Public Administration, Аssistant of the Department of Administrative
and Financial Management,
LPNU, Lviv


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World Experience of Public Administration: Theory and Practice