Ways of creating institutional foundations of municipal governance by means of public governance on the basis of social reflection
The article proposes the mechanisms for creating effective institutional principles of municipal management by means of public governance on the basis of social reflection. It was determined that the main task of state regional governance in the context of public administration should be the achievement of a rational balance between the interests of the state and the interests of the development of its regions by developing directions and mechanisms for the transfer of a part of the authority to the local level of governance, based on democratic constitutional values.The main problems that faced the municipal government bodies and urgently need to be solved are investigated. The advantages of using such a powerful means of public administration as e-democracy for raising the level of municipal governance are substantiated. The main positive and negative aspects of the implementation of e-democracy in the processes of municipal governance by means of public governance are generalized. New approaches to the formation of the state regional policy and socio-economic policy of the regions are proposed, which should be aimed at achieving the following prospects for the development of municipal governance, such as:
- taking into account social reflection through the active introduction of e-government, which substantially expands the opportunities of citizens for their democratic participation, creates conditions for the formation of a qualitatively new level of activity of citizens who use modern electronic technologies not only for personal purposes but also for the purpose social and political participation at all levels of public administration;
- creation of efficient economic structures at the regional level, focused on the intensification of the use of available local resource potential as a base, incl. for public administration (costs for the creation, maintenance and maintenance of the site);
- formation of competitive self-sufficient industrial regional systems of innovation type;
- reducing the trend of bundling the regions by the standard of living of the population, the emergence of depressed territories, which may slow down the economic growth of the country as a whole.
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