Smart City technology for community livelihood: a model of cooperation with public

Keywords: : city management, community livelihood, «Smart City» technology, «smart city», co-working, cloud computing


There were determined problematic issues about improvement of city infrastructure, providing community livelihood by optimizing information flows in municipal management and digitalization implementation. It is mentioned that today there is a lack of research on system technologies introduction in city management and substantiation of models of their application, creation of «smart city» algorithm, etc.

There were examined characteristics of «smart city» concept as a city management technology from the standpoint of using modern information and communication technology (IKT) to improve life quality of inhabitants and city visitors.

It is substantiated the application expediency of the co-working idea as a model of organization of people work with different types of employment in a single working space (collective office). The idea of implementing coworking using «cloud computing» is agrued.

It is described the possibilities of «cloud computing» for public involvement in city management, in particular, - «social cloud» and «public cloud» models. The nature of «cloud computing» structure provides an effective optimization in processing large information flows generated by the group of stakeholders all over the city.

It is proposed a model of public control over the activity of local government bodies in the implementation of Smart City technology in the «personal cloud». The introduction of a probabilistic model of cooperation, "the public - the authorities", will significantly accelarate the communication of the relevant citizens' appeals, their consideration and decision making, which will become more understandable, balanced, coherent, holistic and comprehensive, balanced, open, realistic, consistent to the attention of local government officials and municipal enterprises.

It is recommended updating the Laws of Ukraine «On electronic documents and electronic document circulation» and «On electronic digital signature» - in the part of transfer of all members of the cooperation system «public – the representatives of the government» to electronic document circulation with the preservation of the paper version for duplication as well as the obligation to establish the clarity of the official and certified issuance of registered electronic keys and electronic signature.


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Author Biographies

Valentyna Mamonova , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Professor of Regional Development and Local Government Department, KRI NAPA

Yevhen Kalmykov , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Applicant of PhD of Regional Development and Local Government Department, KRI NAPA


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Regional and Industrial Management