Specific Features of Ensuring Cyber Security in Public Sector under Globalization
Under the conditions of globalization, alongside with coordination and integration in the public sector, there exists a growing trend of cooperation with other subjects from the private and public sectors, and individual users. Recently an important area of scientific research has been analysis of the modern tendencies and priority measures for ensuring the cyber security of e-government.
The objective of research is substantiation of organizational issues and areas of providing cyber security in the public sector under globalization.
The paper considers trends and methods of counteracting cyber threats in the public sector. Taking foreign countries’ experience as an example, the advantages and drawbacks of e-government and its capacity for counteracting cybercrime have been substantiated. Major political challenges – from international to individual ones – in different spheres cannot be coped with through the actions of the government alone. Coordinated efforts of all the subjects of the society are needed, including those of individuals. Governments are always under pressure, since they try to do more at a lower cost. It has been proved that creation of public-private and public-civil partnerships is to become a more effective response to cyber security challenges under the conditions of globalization. Most often the government becomes open and accessible for cooperation by a way that is not available in other sectors, and this can lead to useful changes in the current mode of public sector operation and its duties.
It has been found that nowadays trust, transparency and accoutability turn out to be the most serious challenges which a successful e-government faces. These issues are imperative for Ukraine in today’s context. A list of arrangements and tasks has been drawn, which are expedient to be delegated to neutral intermediaries between the government and its data suppliers, with the aim of protecting the interests and rights of subjects of public-private relations. Providing the openness and transparency of public data and processes balances the authorities with all the subjects, eliminating abuse of power and corruption.
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