The Place of Non-Governmental Organization in the Development of the Coordinate System of the State and Society

Keywords: self-actualization; coordinate system; state, society; non-governmental organization


An attempt has been made to hypothesize the importance of self-actualization of public organization in the development of state and society system of coordinates. The levers and principles of its self-actualization as a process of positioning in the state environment and organizational self-improvement have been substantiated as well. The realization of the hypothesis concerning the place of public organization in the coordinate system of the state and society in Ukraine is also emphasized.

The purpose of the article is an attempt to substantiate the authors hypothesis regarding the practical necessity of self-actualization of an NGO in the current conditions of development of the system of coordinates of the state and society.

In the context of the hypothesis of self-actualization of a non-governmental organization, we take into account those components and those subjective realities that exist in a specific system of coordinates of the state and society. In general, they focus on the process of realizing the organization's internal capabilities and potential. Setting important socially useful tasks for the institutions of civil society is quite capable of accumulating the development of the state and society in a positive direction. Therefore, self-actualization of a non-governmental organization is regarded as a responsible, motivated and creative socially useful procedure. It is an active process that is responsible for ensuring that a non-governmental organization is always committed to achieving a specific goal. At the same time, it leads to its autonomy and self-sustainability, which is inherent in its natural essence. Being in a state of constant high tension (in its activity and work) is caused by a natural desire for self-realization and self-improvement. Civil society has a natural drive for autonomy, responsibility and development. This gives rise to the organic possibility of effective activity of a socially useful NGO, which, in our opinion, is able to occupy a leading connecting place in the development of the system of coordinates of modern states and civil society. This will be a constructive component of realization of NGO’s potential capabilities, which in certain circumstances may prove strategic.


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Author Biography

Marian Tokar, LRI NAPA, Lviv

PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Doctoral Student of the Department of Public Administration,



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