Development specifics and trends in the system of non-formal education in Ukraine
The article deals with the peculiarities of the activity of the system of informal education in Ukraine, and an overview of the trends of its development through the prism of the experience of the countries of the European Union.
The issue of determining the nature, content and potential of non-formal education is currently a matter for both academics and practitioners from the point of view of introducing such an experience as innovative. The study of trends in the development of non-formal education in Ukraine has revealed that this form of education demonstrates the potential for legislative recognition, increasing funding and developing non-formal informal education. We have determined that informal education in Ukraine is at the stage of formation and depends to a large extent on economic, political and social changes in society. Key providers of non-formal education are currently community associations, certain types of educational institutions and trade unions.
In developed and developing countries, the introduction of non-formal education shows that in recent years, informal education itself has gained a truly democratic and humanistic status, since it is open to the general public, regardless of age, sex, material wealth and social status and place. residence.
We found that informal education is a priority component of modern social transformations, due to its flexibility in engaging in educational activities of various social and age groups (from youth to people of the third age). Despite what is declared, but not yet legalized in Ukraine, it still serves as a platform for the interaction of formal education, civil society organizations and civil society. Non-formal education develops as an innovative alternative. It is often an additional, civic initiative that is non-institutional and decentralized, focused on the needs of the subject of learning, and characterized by individuality and self-motivation.
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