Structural studies of the agrarian sector in the context of the concept of sustainable development

Keywords: agriculture; agricultural sector; sustainability of development; efficiency; agrarian policy; Local Government; country territories


An analysis of the evolution of the concept of the agrarian sector was made and an assessment of the specificity of its functioning within the framework of the concept of sustainable development was conducted. Various approaches to the evaluation of the structure of the agrarian sector of the economy are presented. The relationship between the concepts of "agrarian sector of the economy" and "rural territories" is evaluated. It is determined that they complement each other by the fact that the agrarian sector of the economy is spatially located mainly in rural areas. The idea of multifunctional development of agriculture in the context of the evolution of rural areas has been developed. Perspectives of formation of sustainable development of agrarian sector from the point of view of creation of sustainable conditions of existence of rural territories are considered.

The main trends in the field of agriculture and agricultural production are set by the EU member states. A joint agrarian policy (CAP) is being undertaken to combine efforts to overcome common problems. In view of the resolution of pressing issues, the document "A Common Agrarian Policy for 2020: Food, Natural Resources and Territorial Changes - Challenges of the Future", published by the European Commission in November 2010, is important. According to this document, the objectives of the CAP until 2020 are: viable food production; sustainable management of natural resources and the fight against climate change; balanced territorial development.

It has historically been understood that agriculture refers only to production associated with the use of land and animals. However, the situation has changed. In rural areas, in rural settlements, there is a sufficiently complex infrastructure with electricity networks, roads, communal services, and the like. There are construction and other enterprises and organizations.

It is necessary to rethink some of the existing concepts and terms. In our opinion, agriculture should understand also all spheres of production that operate in rural areas. The farm, which involves the use of land and animals, is agrarian production. The increase in production is due to solvent demand, and it is known that it does not have the properties of constant growth. The nomenclature of agrarian production is changing rather insignificantly.

If we introduce the broader concept of agriculture, then the concept "Sustainable development of agriculture" is unlikely to be different from the concept "Sustainable development of rural areas". Since under the sustainable development of any economic entity, the totality of economic entities, we understand their economic and technical development, it is worthwhile to abandon the use of the phrase "sustainable development of agriculture". Sustainability of agrarian production in a visible time interval can be seen only in increasing its efficiency.


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Author Biographies

Yuriy Ulyanchenko, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Policy of the KRI NAPA

Volodymyr Yefanov , SNAU, Sumy

Associate Professor, Department of Logistics and Production Management, SNAU

Liliya Baga , Kharkiv National Agrarian University. V. V. Dokuchaev, Kharkiv

Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Kharkiv National Agrarian University. V. V. Dokuchaev, Kharkiv


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