Problems and Perspectives Sociology of the Village in Agricultural Universities

  • Anatolij Shatokhin Uman National University of Horticulture, 1, Institutska st., Uman, 20300, Ukraine,
Keywords: higher agricultural education, rural sociology, methods of teaching sociology


The article examines the state of socially-humanitarian education in Ukraine. It is focused on the need to strengthen the link between teaching social disciplines with the profile of the higher education institution. This is especially true to the non-humanitarian (sectoral) higher educational establishments. Resolving this issue is possible by creating modular programs on socially-humanitarian cycle educational disciplines, the saturation of the existing regulatory courses, including sociology, by the theme that is tailored to the profile of studying. It is emphasized that this will contribute to improving the quality of teaching students, practical orientation of the socially-humanitarian disciplines for non-humanitarian faculties, research updates, etc. Addition to the classic course of sociology in the agricultural universities may become a special course «Rural Sociology», teaching experience of which is accumulated in the higher agrarian educational establishments in Ukraine and foreign countries. The article presents the structure of such course, developed by teachers of Uman National Horticulture University. The structure includes such topics as: methodological foundations of rural areas and the peasantry study; social problems of rural living space transformation; new solidarity and new inequalities in the social structure of the village.


Author Biography

Anatolij Shatokhin, Uman National University of Horticulture, 1, Institutska st., Uman, 20300, Ukraine,

PhD in Sociology (Doctor), Full Professor, Head of Department of Social and Humanitarian and Low Subjects



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How to Cite
Shatokhin, A. (2017). Problems and Perspectives Sociology of the Village in Agricultural Universities. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 38, 96-99. Retrieved from
Sociological Education: Current Challenges and Effective Teaching Practices