Knowledge of Kharkovites about (un)Permissible: Generational Section (by the Result of Empirical Research)

Keywords: sociology of knowledge, knowledge, (un)permissible, Kharkovites, World Value Survey, values


The article discusses a specific aspect of the functioning of social knowledge, namely, knowledge of (un)permissible. Based on empirical data obtained in a study conducted according to the World Value Survey methodology in December 2017, the author examines the generational section of the knowledge of Kharkov residents about (un permissible. The influence of gender and age and generational characteristics, as well as the “experience” of living in Kharkov on the permissiveness or veticity of perception of certain social phenomena by a particular group of Kharkovites is analyzed. Separately, the question of the relationship between generational, age and "experience" indicators is studied. It is emphasized that knowledge (namely, knowledge of the permissibility or veticity of some phenomenon, knowledge of its nature and essence) is a product of a social order or orders in the production and reproduction of which the agent participated, which is reflected in his biography, “experience” , social status. The emphasis is on the ratio of violent and non-violent violations, private and public violations, "corporal" and "out-of-body" violations. Perception by various socio-demographic groups is interpreted as a complex multidimensional phenomenon of permissiveness and veticity. The conclusion on the specificity of the factor conditionality of the social production of knowledge on the example of generational and gender-age factors is formulated.


Author Biography

Alexander Golikov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov 61022, Ukraine

Doctor of Science (Sociology), Associate Professor, Professor Department of Sociology,


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How to Cite
Golikov, A. (2020). Knowledge of Kharkovites about (un)Permissible: Generational Section (by the Result of Empirical Research). Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 43(-), 34-40.
Empirical Researches of Modern Society