Training of a future social professional for the formation of safe adolescent behavior in social networks

Keywords: adolescents, social networks, social professional, training of future social professional, readiness of future social professional


The article analyzes different approaches to the definition of «social networks» as technological complexes of organization and management of electronic information exchange among the subjects of social relations, united by common interests, information needs and skills. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature the essential characteristics of social networks that affect the formation and development of the adolescent's personality are revealed. Role of social networks at the present stage of development of society, which is manifested in the representation of interests not only of social groups but also of entire social groups, is defined in the article. The negative impact of social networks on the personality of the adolescent, which is manifested in the expansion of adolescents in cyberspace, the desire for independence and adulthood, selfexperimentation, which leads to risky activities both on the Internet and in real life are revealed. Concept of safe behavior in social networks as a set of actions of the individual when using the Internet, helping to meet the needs and at the same time prevent the possibility of causing damage to physical, mental, social well-being and property of man and others is analyzed. The basic rules of safe behavior in social Internet communities are highlighted. The structural components of safe behavior of adolescents in social networks are singled out: cognitive, motivational and actionreflexive; the concept of «professional training of future social professionals for the formation of safe behavior of adolescents in social networks» is revealed. Readiness is revealed as a result of the process of training future social specialists for professional activity on the formation of safe behavior of adolescents in social networks; the author's definition of the concept «readiness of future social professionals to form safe behavior of adolescents in social networks» is given. Components of readiness of future social workers to form safe behavior of teenagers in social networks, such as cognitive, motivational-personal and activity, are described.


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Author Biographies

Н. О. Єсіна

Yesina Natalia – PhD in Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Social Work and Social Pedagogy Department of G. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, 29, Alchevskyh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine, email:, ORCID ID

О. О. Стрельнікова

Strelnikova Olena – PhD in Sociological Science, Senior Lecture of Political Science, Sociology and Cultural Studies Department of G. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, 29, Alchevskyh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine, email:, ORCID ID


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How to Cite
Єсіна, Н. О., & Стрельнікова, О. О. (2021). Training of a future social professional for the formation of safe adolescent behavior in social networks. «SOCIOPROSTIR: THE INTERDISCIPLINARY ONLINE COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS ON SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK», (11), 30-37.