Social integration work of internally displaced people into socio-cultural environment of city community

  • Н. О. Максимовська
Keywords: social work, integration, internally displaced people, city community, sociocultural environment


The article presents characteristic features of social work aimed at integrating internally displaced people into sociocultural environment of city community. It focuses on contemporary interaction mechanism of primary education institutions and components of sociocultural space of contemporary city. It also defines the multilevel conditions of effective integration of social subjects, namely the improvement of value-integrating capabilities, the development of constructive joint activities skill.


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How to Cite
Максимовська, Н. О. (2018). Social integration work of internally displaced people into socio-cultural environment of city community. «SOCIOPROSTIR: THE INTERDISCIPLINARY ONLINE COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS ON SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK», (7), 64-66. Retrieved from