Factors of formation and development the system of population trading service in Kharkiv region
The article is devoted to determination the factors of formation and development the system of population trading service in Kharkiv region. For identifying these factors the method of factor analysis was chosen. The aim of the factor analysis is to reduce a number of investigated parameters and to analyze relationships between them. The initial database served 91 indicators, which describes demographic, social, economic and environmental characteristics of the region. Determining a number of factors was carried out based on three criteria: Kaiser criterion, cumulative percentage, Cattell "scree" criterion. The most optional were identified 5 factors which can be interpreted as: socio-economic, agro-resettlement (agro-ecistic), housing and commercial, socio-demographic, ecological. The factor weights were calculated for each factor within cities of regional subordination and districts to assess the effect degree of the factor in a certain administrative-territorial unit. The greatest effect of socio-economic, agro-resettlement, housing and commercial factors is characterized for the city of Kharkiv, cities of regional subordination and districts located around the regional center. Socio-demographic factor is manifested the best in administrative-territorial units with favorable demographic situation, high share of the main population age group. Ecological factor operates in districts and cities, where environmentally "dirty" enterprises work.
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