Human-geographical concept of the regional geodemographic system

  • Катерина Сегіда V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine,
Keywords: population, geodemographic system, sotsiogeosystem, human and geographical concept, system and synergetic approaches


The synergetic analysis of geodemographic researches indicates that they can be solved with use of modern technologies of management. according to the theory of a sotsioaktogenez, for this purpose it is necessary to define and formulate accurately the purpose of future phase transition, to construct consistent system of the purposes taking into account own and provided resources, to create executive system, effective from the point of view of optimum use of the available methods (technologies) and means of activity, and to control and analyze obtaining result. The analysis of results of social management demands the quantitative description and comparison of real result with his expected model (purpose). The offered concept of geodemographic system of the region on the basis of dissipative structures which treats people, groups of people, society is aimed at the development and functioning of the studied system where the special role belongs to implementation of administrative decisions.

In article it is covered the generalized structure of the concept, it is revealed her the purpose, an object subject area. It is defined public and spatial localization of a research, in particular within regional, region and local communities. It is identified geodemographic process as composite human and geographical process as sotsioaktogenez (with determination of stages of motivation, system of the purposes, executive system and result from a line item of society and a family) as self-development and self-organization (with determination of the internal and external factors supporting and evolutionary resources, mechanisms) as process (information exchange, external and internal adaptation). Methodological approaches (geographical, system, synergy, information, historical), research techniques (the analysis of system indices, simulation of a path of development, the component analysis) and evaluation and prognostic simulation are opened. Technological procedures and criteria of control of development of geodemographic system are provided.

The offered human and geographical concept of regional geodemographic system is directed, mainly, to creating favorable conditions for simple or expanded reproduction of the population and formation of human potential. Her realization will allow to make the detailed human and geographical analysis of geodemographic system, to reveal problem situations and to find optimum ways of their decision, it is essential to increase effective management of geodemographic process which has to provide result of implementation of the concept - optimization of regional geodemographic system at this development stage. The received result will allow his estimates and comparison with a definite purpose of correction of the purpose according to new to conditions and features of regional geodemographic system. The offered concept can be applied to a research of geodemographic systems of various regions and countries.


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Author Biography

Катерина Сегіда, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine,

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, Doctoral Student, Department of Social and Economic Geography and Regional Studies


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How to Cite
Сегіда, К. (2017). Human-geographical concept of the regional geodemographic system. Human Geography Journal, 22(1), 53-61.
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