Kinds of cartographic models used for natural and anthropogenic safety management of region
Emergency situations modeling is an important issue for social and economic geography. The article deals with its mapping aspect, in particular, stages of handling information on its progress. In order to underscore the importance of this problem using existing publications and topics of researches which are performed in research institutions there is characterized the current state of affairs in this area. The degree of elaboration of this theme in domestic science was described. On the basis of the studied materials an emergency management approach was proposed. It involves several types of cartographic models depending on the purpose and expected results. The outcome is several classifications of cartographic models, which are based on target audience, functional features and the relation of models to the emergency. The models which are identified by the first two classifications have feedbacks: audience extension provides the reduction of functional capabilities and vice versa. Classification in relation to the subject provides the presence of primary (factual and parametric) maps, which displays exactly actual emergencies, adverse phenomena and their characteristics. The secondary ones are estimation and probabilistic models which characterize an impact and occurrence possibility of emergencies and uses for their predictions, combating and elimination.
It was established that the temporal identity of emergency passing could be the basis for the classification is the most natural and conducive way of understanding. According to this one they marked out the maps of hazards and risk of emergencies, maps used for prediction and prevention of hazards, models for decision support systems (DSS), monitoring maps for operational management during rescue and the maps of affection objects. Particularly noteworthy are cartographic models of arising and spreading of emergencies that combine spatial and analytical methods of information processing and in general use the methods which are similar to common ones in engineering (mechanics) which takes place for some recent years. The choice of models for emergency management takes into consideration the economic component, namely the allocated budget and resources that are taken into account in the conclusions of the article.
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