National and local patriotizm in spatial dimension: case of Podolia, Ukraine

  • Oleksiy Gnatiuk Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
Keywords: local patriotism, national patriotism, topophilia, territorial identity, Podolia.


The relationship between national and local patriotism is an important scientific issue in view of modern socio-political crisis inUkraineand arising processes of regionalism and separatism in many countries throughout the world. The paper represents an attempt to disclose and understand spatial patterns of local and national patriotism inUkraine. This case-study was focused on Podolia in view of significant internal historical and cultural diversity. The data for analysis was collected by means of a questionnaire survey that make possible to assess separate aspects of local and national patriotism as well as calculate their integral indices. Indicators for local patriotism assessment are as follows: presence of small motherland, love and proud of the settlement (topophilia), preferable consumption of local products, and support for local sports teams. Indicators applied for national patriotism evaluation are: mental attachment toUkraine, willingness to be born again inUkraine, and proud of being Ukrainian. Overlaying these characteristics allowed splitting study region into the four areas in terms of national and local patriotism relationship. However, the results prove that strength of both local and national patriotism is closely linked to the historical and cultural specificity of the region and confirm cumulative (synergistic) interaction between national and local patriotism, suggesting developed local (regional) identity to be an essential prerequisite for the preservation of the territorial integrity of the state.


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Author Biography

Oleksiy Gnatiuk, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
PhD (Geography), Junior Researcher, Scientific Research Laboratory “Regional Problems of Economics and Politics”, Faculty of Geography


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How to Cite
Gnatiuk, O. (2017). National and local patriotizm in spatial dimension: case of Podolia, Ukraine. Human Geography Journal, 21(2), 75-79.