The concept of spatial redistribution in modern subject field of social geography

  • Serhii Sonko Uman National University of Horticulture
Keywords: methodology, paradigm, sustainable, development, spatial, redistribution.


For 25 years of the Ukrainian independence the domestic geography “was looking for itself” in the methodology of modern science. Such searches were not always fruitful, as under conditions of the market economy they were largely carried out “by feel”. However, during this time the surrounding world was developing by its own laws, becoming multidimensional. It remains to be understood by most geographers of the old classical school. The geographical space and areas of its development, traditionally studied by social geographers, can be better researched from the standpoint of the concept of spatial redistribution proposed by the author. In his opinion, this concept should constitute the main foundations of the modern subject area of social geography.

Despite the intensive search for new paradigms in the domestic geography, there was no integrative idea or problem that would unite geographers regardless of the physical and economic direction. In reality, there is only one problem in the world – a gradual depletion of natural resources of the planet. Thus, the rest of others are derivative problems, on the principle of the increasing gear. But modern global economy continues to grow at the expense of the natural resources of the planet and the most developed countries have learned redistribute them skillfully in their favor.

The idea of spatial redistribution, in our opinion, should have a leading position in contemporary subject area of social geography. It should be based on more applied areas: energy redistribution; spatial inversions; spatial redistribution of mineral resources; spatial redistribution of environmental resources; spatial redistribution of material and energy flows of the biosphere; resource and financial spatial redistribution in the global economic system.


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Author Biography

Serhii Sonko, Uman National University of Horticulture
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ecology and Life Safety


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How to Cite
Sonko, S. (2016). The concept of spatial redistribution in modern subject field of social geography. Human Geography Journal, 21(2), 7-11.