Land of the metropolitan region as agricultural and territorial resource: directions of management

  • Валентина Нагірна Institute of Geography NAS of Ukraine
Keywords: land resources, metropolitan region, monetary valuation, ecological situation, land use, territorial differences, agricultural resource.


The article reveals the features of land use in the metropolitan Kiev region. The analysis of changes in the land structure is given. The main factors influencing the use of land in the metropolitan region: natural fertility of the land; location of land to the city of Kyiv; development of transport infrastructure, the State of the market.  Territorial differences in the monetary land valuation of Kyiv region are shown. The directions of land resources management in the regional dimension are grounded.  Great attention is paid to the territories and nature reserves, increase environmental lands in each administrative region of the area, especially around the ecologically dangerous objects.


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Author Biography

Валентина Нагірна, Institute of Geography NAS of Ukraine
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, Department of Social and Geographical Research


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How to Cite
Нагірна, В. (2016). Land of the metropolitan region as agricultural and territorial resource: directions of management. Human Geography Journal, 12(1), 47-54. Retrieved from