The science of colour and aesthetic-axiological studies in cultural geography

  • Іван Ровенчак Ivan Franko Lviv National University
Keywords: geo-culture, colour science, aesthetic geography, axiological geography.


The importance of the colour science for geo-culture is sustantatiated. The application of this science in the cultural-geographical studies is characterized. The history of the colour science is analysed. A special attention is paid to the aesthetic and axiological cal studies in cultural geography. It is marked out that axiological geography is situated at the junction of geography, economy, sociology, psychology and culturology. The case studio of some Ukrainian geographers are considered.


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Author Biography

Іван Ровенчак, Ivan Franko Lviv National University
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Department of Economic and Social Geography


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How to Cite
Ровенчак, І. (2016). The science of colour and aesthetic-axiological studies in cultural geography. Human Geography Journal, 12(1), 5-8. Retrieved from