Socio-geographical analysis of the international intellectual migration

  • Наталія Горожанкіна Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University
Keywords: intellectual migration, the education level of migrants, rating the attractiveness of talented people, the waves of emigration.


The definition of the term «intellectual migration» from the standpoint of different researchers is considered; the geographical structure based on the migratory movements of the educational level of migrants is traced; the main causes and consequences of emigration of Ukrainians to other countries are highlighted; employment relationship of the educational level of workers is set; Ukraine's place among other countries in the ranking of the attractiveness of talented people is considered; four waves of emigration in the Ukrainian society are characterized.


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Author Biography

Наталія Горожанкіна, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University
PhD in Geography, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical and Economic Geography


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How to Cite
Горожанкіна, Н. (2016). Socio-geographical analysis of the international intellectual migration. Human Geography Journal, 13(2), 77-80. Retrieved from