Influence of contamination of drinking-water on the state of health of population of Kharkov area

  • Олексій Крайнюков V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: drinking water, toxic properties, surface water sources, artesian wells, public health, total chlorine residual, coefficient of correlation, risk assessment.


The problem of influence of drinking-water, muddy toxic matters is examined, on a health people, that is conditioned the anthropogenic loading on akval'nye natural landscapes are surface-water, 80% which are the source of drinkable water-supply. The comparative analysis of toxicness of drinking-water which is given the population of cities Kharkiv, Izum, Chuhuiv and Pervomaiskyi from the superficial sources of water-supply and artesian mining holes. On results a biotesting the presence of toxic properties of water the tests of which were taken away from the superficial sources of water-supply of citiesKharkovand Chuguev, and also artesian mining holes, is set in Izum. It is set that reason of toxic properties of drinking-water can be a presence in it remaining total chlorine.  A coefficient of plural correlation between the expected risk for the health of people and maintenance in the drinking-water of remaining total chlorine is 0,86.


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Author Biography

Олексій Крайнюков, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, Department of Ecological Safety and Environmental Education


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How to Cite
Крайнюков, О. (2014). Influence of contamination of drinking-water on the state of health of population of Kharkov area. Human Geography Journal, 14(1), 103-108.