Cities as attractors of development and spatial organization of the territory of the region. Russia, Belgorod region

  • Надежда Чугунова National Research University “Belgorod State University”
Keywords: cities, urban settlement systems, urbanization, agglomeration, innovations, information society, transformation


The study reveals the role of cities and their systems in the spatial organization of theterritoryofBelgorodregion on different stages of development. It specifies the significance of macropolization in the development of the regional economy and society, reveals the social and economic imperfections of Belgorod suburbs, studies the  hierarchy of the regional system of urban settlements, as well as the problems of its development, suggests possible ways to change the spatial organization of urban settlements in the information  society.


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Author Biography

Надежда Чугунова, National Research University “Belgorod State University”
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resources and Land Cadastre


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How to Cite
Чугунова, Н. (2014). Cities as attractors of development and spatial organization of the territory of the region. Russia, Belgorod region. Human Geography Journal, 14(1), 90-96.