Economical-geographical information on topographical plans of XVIII-XIX century

  • Anatoliy Kornus A.S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University
Keywords: Putyvl museum, topographical plan, cartographic collection.


The paper presents the results of work with cartographic collection of the Putyvl local lore museum. The main part of above mentioned collection are consists the plans, was created in the XIX century. They show separately small parts of the former Putyvl County. The city plans of Putyvl are also considered. Some plans are copies of older, made in the eighteenth century during the General Land Survey. Most of them are inventory and created to resolve land issues that arose from the acquisition of state peasants of their land holdings according to the land reform of 1861.


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Author Biography

Anatoliy Kornus, A.S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, Department of General and Regional Geography


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How to Cite
Kornus, A. (2014). Economical-geographical information on topographical plans of XVIII-XIX century. Human Geography Journal, 14(1), 82-85.