Depopulation in the Upper-Silesian basin (Poland) and the Donetsk basin (Ukraine)

  • Marcin Rechłowicz University of Silesia
  • Maria Tkocz University of Silesia
Keywords: coal basin, Upper Silesia, Donetsk Basin, restructuring of economy, population decline.


The article compares demographic processes taking place in traditional industrial European regions: Upper-Silesian and the Donetsk Basins. During communism, a high population concentration was characteristic. Currently, population decline leads to depopulation. Depopulation in the Upper-Silesian Basin is determined mainly by labour migration to the European Union (EU) and by sub-urbanization. In the Donetsk Basin it is due to severe population decline intensified by migration. The main reasons are the collapse of numerous industrial facilities and the lack of alternative employment.


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Author Biographies

Marcin Rechłowicz, University of Silesia
M.A, PhD student, Department of Economic Geography
Maria Tkocz, University of Silesia
PhD, Professor, Department of Economic Geography


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How to Cite
Rechłowicz, M., & Tkocz, M. (2014). Depopulation in the Upper-Silesian basin (Poland) and the Donetsk basin (Ukraine). Human Geography Journal, 14(1), 63-70.