Deformation of gender and age structure of population and their implications – demographic waves in regional geodemographic processes

  • Вікторія Яворська I.I. Mechnykov Odesa National University
Keywords: geodemographic process, structural deformation, demographic waves, gender and age structure, regional differences.


On the example of Ukraine and its regions are considered structure and age deformation of population. In the demographic literature, the problem of influence of gender and age structure of the population to the dynamics of population size are considered carefully, but still not enough. One of the interesting tasks of this work lies in the searching for methodological approaches taking into account structural deformations and demographic waves in regional GDP. The method of analysis of deformations of gender and age structure of the population as a factor in the geodemographic processes of country and regions are developed. Regional GDP are considered and regions are systematized by intensity and amplitude of structure and age deformations.


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Author Biography

Вікторія Яворська, I.I. Mechnykov Odesa National University
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, Department of Economic and Social Geography


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How to Cite
Яворська, В. (2014). Deformation of gender and age structure of population and their implications – demographic waves in regional geodemographic processes. Human Geography Journal, 14(1), 39-45.