• Тарас Погребський V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: social and geographical features, morbidity, mortality, the spread of tuberculosis, Volyn region


The article highlights the social and geographical features of tuberculosis morbidity in Volyn region. The current trends in the spread of tuberculosis in the regions of Ukraine and in the districts of Volyn region were analysed. The basic factors that at this stage of the state and regional development effect on the spread of the disease in the territorial dimension were established. The main directions of state policy to combat this disease were considered. Maps by the level of incidence of all forms of active tuberculosis of population in the regions of Ukraine and in the districts of Volyn region were constructed.


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Author Biography

Тарас Погребський, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
PhD Student, Department of Social and Economic Geography and Regional Studies


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How to Cite
Погребський, Т. (2015). THE FEATURES OF TUBERCULOSIS MORBIDITY IN VOLYN REGION. Human Geography Journal, 15(2), 148-152.
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