Ethnic tourism: the problem of conceptual terminology and methodical approaches to social-geographic studies

  • Yaroslav Dzhaman Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Keywords: ethnic tourism, nostalgic tourism, aboriginal tourism, ethnographic tourism, educational tourism, ethnic community, ethno-tourism potential, ethnic excursion routes


The article deals with the analysis of foreign and national researchers’ approaches to definition of the concept of ethnic tourism. The majority of existing studies devoted to ethnic tourism inAmericaandEuropeconcentrate on describing it as trips to exotic and often isolated ethnic groups (Smith V., McIntosh R., Goeldner C., Van den Berghe P., Harron S., Weiler B.). Some scientists regard that ethnic tourism includes trips to forefathers’ homelands with the purpose of learning the own ethnic belonging – nostalgic tourism (King B.). Along with the term of ethnic tourism, the concepts of aboriginal tourism (Getz D., Jamieson W.) and native tourism (Butler R., Hinch T.) are widely used, though the same phenomenon is meant. Russian researchers use the concepts of ethnic tourism, ethnographic tourism and nostalgic tourism.

 No unanimous opinion as to definition of ethnic tourism is found with Ukrainian scientists (Kyryliuk L., Parkhomenko T., Kyfiak V., Kliap M.,BochanI.,KulakovskaI., Orlova M, Chubrey O., etc). We understand the concept of ethnic tourism to be a type of tourist activity that satisfies the consumers’ interests in cognition of material and spiritual culture of certain ethnos (ethnic group, ethnographic group) that inhabits (or previously inhabited) a certain territory. While on excursions, tourists get acquainted with architecture, clothes, folklore, rituals, folk traditions, handicrafts, everyday life, ethnic cuisine, historic events, known persons, and monuments of certain ethnos or its part (sub-ethnos or ethnic group).

The algorithm of socio-geographic study of ethnic tourism potential within a big poly-ethnic urban settlement contains five stages: 1) the study of historical and geographic specificities of formation of regional (settlement) population’s ethnic structure on the whole, and specific ethnic group in particular; 2) establishment of the dynamics of the level of population’s ethnic variety; 3) the study of the ma­terial and spiritual cultural heritage of ethnic communities; 4) point evaluation of ethnic tourism objects; 5) development of ethnic-oriented excursion routes. 


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Author Biography

Yaroslav Dzhaman, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
PhD Student, Department of Geography of Ukraine and Regional Studies


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How to Cite
Dzhaman, Y. (2016). Ethnic tourism: the problem of conceptual terminology and methodical approaches to social-geographic studies. Human Geography Journal, 20(1), 143-148.
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