Transport accessibility as factor of excursion tourism development (case of Chernivtsi, Ukraine)
In the course of scientific research found that for parameterization of complex socio-economic processes with the use of transport infrastructure in tourism advisable to use transport accessibility ratio (the ratio of current and potential routes) with auxiliary coefficients movement time or distance of travel or the tourist center facility within the first. In this article was first investigated the problem of understanding the theoretical and methodological foundations and practical solution of transport accessibility of tourist and excursion objects, on the example of Chernivtsi city.
Given the average rate of transport accessibility of tourists to Chernivtsi nearest airport (0.575), the use of direct flights from Chernivtsi obvious since the nearest infrastructure nearby passenger airports (including Romanian), without running Chernivtsi be able to meet the potential needs of the city only in 57.5%. Otherwise reasonable alternative supplies Transfer of tourists from nearby international airports “Ivano-Frankivsk”, “L’viv” named after D. Halytskyi that concerning, among all others, are the best indicators of transport accessibility (0.823 and 0.641 respectively). Overall, the current rate of Chernivtsi transport accessibility is up to 0.858 if conditionally accept that the level of satisfaction of the needs of all tourists wishing to visit the city by road and rail passenger transport is 100%. In general, today the organization of municipal transport scheme of motion in Chernivtsi city to tourist objects requiring priority of improving on the main points of arrival of tourists and sightseers, and major hotels in the city because the average level of public transit for the needs of tourists by 80% theoretically the best indicator.
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