The analysis of urban and district sotsiogeosystem’s specificity of Poltava region on features of geodemographic development
In research of regional social ecosystem always a need to consider trends of the area.Poltavaregion is characterized by negative trends geodemographic development last years. Thus its geodemographic development has significant territorial disparities. Therefore, assessment of the specificity of district and urban sociogeosystem is of paramount importance and the study of this component of regional development is very important.
In order to investigate the specificity of urban and district sociogeosystems ofPoltavaregion on the specifics of geodemographic a method of synthesis of local classifications was applied. It is used to identify specific frequencies falling sociogeosystem in a class with other classifications for each billing period. Local classifications were based on various parameters of the system and the parameters of the trajectory geodemographic.
The highest level of specificity of the formation geodemographic was marked in Kremenchuk andPoltava, characterized by features demographics (population, natural and migratory movements). Is the least specific are Lubny and Myrhorod. District sociogeosystem have less differentiation in association frequency in the local classifications of geodemographic development compared with urban. The greatest specificity with a huge separation from other areas has Globino district. The lowest specificity of geodemographic development was observed in Shishay, Kozelshchina, Orzhytsia, Reshetylivka, Semenivka, Hrebinka, Velyka Bahachka and Chutove districts. From this analysis we can conclude that some urban and districtPoltavasociogeosystems have more or less stable associations, others are more weakly associated with other cities or regions.
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