• Валентина Олійник Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
Keywords: suburban zone, stages of development, structural elements, function criteria, definitions.


The article deals with the origin, evolution of the concept of "suburban area". Served first studies on this subject in Western Europe and the USA. The main direction of the study subjects' Suburban area. "Based on the analysis, marked the stages of development of suburban areas are a few definitions. As a generalization based on foreign and domestic references a table structure suburbs, held parallel to the English versions of definitions Ukrainian, criteria for the selection of structural elements suburban areas and key processes of structural elements.


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Author Biography

Валентина Олійник, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, Tourism, Restaurant and Hotel Business Department


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How to Cite
Олійник, В. (2016). ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF THE CONCEPT «SUBURBAN AREA». Human Geography Journal, 19(2), 79-83. https://doi.org/10.26565/2076-1333-2015-19-13