• Іван Дудник Institute of International Relations, National Aviation University, Kyiv
  • Оксана Борисюк National Aviation University, Kyiv
Keywords: socio-geographical system, control theory, principles systemformation, process control, region.


The article is based on socio-geographical methods and principles of general management theory served interpretation of key provisions of regional management as a socio-geographical system. Management principles are grounded geographic features as a general rule (requirements) management of social and geographic systems, during which take into account their logical relationship and mutual subordination. Formalized the basic framework of socio-geographical study these problems.


Author Biographies

Іван Дудник, Institute of International Relations, National Aviation University, Kyiv
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Department of Country Studies and Tourism
Оксана Борисюк, National Aviation University, Kyiv
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, Department of Country Studies and Tourism


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How to Cite
Дудник, І., & Борисюк, О. (2015). SOCIO-GEOGRAPHIC REGION ASPECTS OF CONTROL. Human Geography Journal, 18(1), 94-97.