• Anatoliy Melnichuk Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
  • Mariia Rastvorova Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
Keywords: GIS data base, spatial transformations, urban territory, urban territory development management, social infrastructure, instrument, forecast.


The paper investigates socio-geographic approach forming of spatial data bases which can be used for regulation of urban territory transformation processes. The authors have displayed the system of factors that determine current spatial transformations in Zaporizhia-city and their impact on function changes on urban areas. The structure of GIS was created as a data base with the aim to display spatial transformations of urban area. The abilities of GIS were identified in the contest of Zaporizhia-city urban territory development management.


Author Biographies

Anatoliy Melnichuk, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, Department of Economic and Social Geography
Mariia Rastvorova, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
PhD Student, Department of Economic and Social Geography


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How to Cite
Melnichuk, A., & Rastvorova, M. (2014). USE OF GIS IN URBAN TERRITORY DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH. Human Geography Journal, 17(2), 167-170.