• Олександр Колотуха Kirovograd State Pedagogical University
Keywords: sports tourism, sports recreation-tourists resources, territorial recreational system, tourist-sporting division, tourist and sports zone.


This article deals with a special category of recreation resources – sports recreation-tourists resources. The following hierarchy of tourist-sporting territorial formation is proposed: zone – district (subdistrict) – center – object. There was developed a scheme of tourist-sports districting of the territory of Ukraine with regard to score evaluation of the supply degree of tourist and sports resources that corresponds to categories of complexity of tourist and sports routes. There was performed the tourist-sports division of the territory of our country. On the territory of Ukraine, based on the defined criteria, were identified 7 tourist and sports areas. Within each area from two to four tourist and sports areas were identified.


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Author Biography

Олександр Колотуха, Kirovograd State Pedagogical University
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Geoecology


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How to Cite
Колотуха, О. (2014). TO THE QUESTIONS OF TOURIST-SPORTS DIVISION OF TERRITORY OF UKRAINE. Human Geography Journal, 17(2), 113-118.