• Микола Барановський Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University
Keywords: geography of crime, geocriminogenic situation, regression analysis, factors of spatial differentiation of crime, cluster analysis


The necessity to intensify the study of spatial differentiation factors of crime through the use of modern economic and statistical research methods is proved; the general algorithm and stages of the research of factors that determine the peculiarities of geocriminogenic situation in Ukraine are defined; the system of indicators for the analysis of crime rate and mechanism of various factors influence on the distribution of crime is elaborated; the evaluation of the economic, social, demographic and settlement factors of territorial differentiation of crime is fulfilled; through the use of regression analysis the force of the influence of individual indicators on the crime spread is determined, the list of the most important of them (salary, unemployment, proportion of the urban population, number of cities , number of patients with mental disorders as a result of drug use) is outlined; the grouping of Ukraine regions is completed according to the peculiarities of the factors effect on the spatial differentiation of crime; the territories of Ukraine with the most " favorable " preconditions for the spread of crime are defined.


Author Biography

Микола Барановський, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department Geography


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How to Cite
Барановський, М. (2014). FACTORS OF SPATIAL DIFFRENTIATION OF CRIME IN UKRAINE. Human Geography Journal, 17(2), 33-37. https://doi.org/10.26565/2076-1333-2014-17-05