Concrete and water. Searching for new possibilities of the tourisт function development in Tricity

  • Klaudia Nowicka University of Gdansk
  • Magdalena Szmytkowska University of Gdansk
Keywords: tourist function, tourist product, Tricity.


For many years sandy beaches and cultural heritage have almost guaranteed an unending stream of tourists visiting Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot and their close neighborhood. Nowadays those obvious attractions that are “given” to Tricity are not enough for lots of tourists who expect something more. Even an average participant in mass tourism has turned to experiences and more sophisticated forms of spending his or her free time – sunbathing and traditional sightseeing are not enough to attract more tourists to Tricity. The cities therefore need to develop a clear strategy regarding the way they want to develop tourism. In order to create a competitive tourist product Tricity’s authorities try to look for some opportunities of developing the tourist function. It is also a result of the anticipated increased competition between the cities of Tricity [12]. This paper presents two extraordinary examples of involving the private sector in the process of creation of the tourist product of two cities: Gdynia and Sopot.


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Author Biographies

Klaudia Nowicka, University of Gdansk
Magistr, Assistant, Department of Economic Geography, Institute of Geography and Oceanography,
Magdalena Szmytkowska, University of Gdansk
Doctor, Associate professor, Department of Economic Geography, Institute of Geography and Oceanography,


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How to Cite
Nowicka, K., & Szmytkowska, M. (2014). Concrete and water. Searching for new possibilities of the tourisт function development in Tricity. Human Geography Journal, 16(1), 51-55.