Transformation of tourism of the Eastern Ukraine in the context of a conflict

  • Galina Zavarika Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Donetska str., 43, Severodonetsk, 93406, Ukraine,
Keywords: tourism; conflict; tourist flow; image; risk


The impact of conflict on tourism has been analized in the paper. The purpose of the work is to identify the transformational changes in the state of tourism in the east of Ukraine as a result of the conflict. Analytical, deductive, statistical, systemic, comparative-geographic methods of research have been used to analyze the main indicators of tourism development. It has been proved that all types of tourism suffer from the conflict, and the total number of tourists was significantly reduced. The conflict has once set a promising direction for the economic development of the eastern regions of Ukraine on the brink of total disappearance. The necessity of studying the experience of eliminating the negative consequences of conflicts on the development of the tourism industry and developing a strategy for its further development in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions has been established. For the first time a comprehensive analysis of the status of Donbass tourism in different periods has been conducted, namely: on the eve of the conflict and during the conflict, which showed that staying Ukraine in a state of a conflict led to the emergence of new social and geographical peculiarities of  tourism development in the east of Ukraine. It has been revealed that the conflict leads to instability in the development of tourism, tourists worrying  about their safety refuse to visit a country or region. This inevitably leads to a decrease in the number of international tourist arrivals and revenues from tourism, a decrease in the number of tourist objects and collective accommodation facilities. It has been determined that the tourist attractiveness and image of the eastern region was almost lost as a result of the conflict. The main provisions, the actual material and conclusions of the article can be used for further research on the development of tourism in the Donbas and the creation of a concept for overcoming the negative consequences of the conflict in the period of 2014-2018 in Ukraine for the development of the national tourism industry.


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Author Biography

Galina Zavarika, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Donetska str., 43, Severodonetsk, 93406, Ukraine,

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor of Department of International Economic and Tourism


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How to Cite
Zavarika, G. (2018). Transformation of tourism of the Eastern Ukraine in the context of a conflict. Human Geography Journal, 24, 64-73.
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