Use of the theory of central places for the improvement of the administrative-territorial device of the Kharkiv region

  • Артур Голіков V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine,
  • Павло Черномаз V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine,
Keywords: the theory of central places; the system of settlements; administrative-territorial structure; the index of the measure of dissimilarity; the coefficient of hierarchy of location


The article applies the provisions of the theory of the central places of V. Kristaller for constructing a model of the system of settlements of the Kharkiv region with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the existing settlement system. Based on the existing administrative-territorial structure, according to which the focus of different levels of hierarchy are the cities of regional and regional importance.

In addition, the hierarchy coefficients are determined for the location of the districts of the Kharkiv region. It was found out that the most convenient geographical location is occupied by Kharkiv, Balaklia, Zmiyiv, Pervomaisky and Chuguevsky districts, the less convenient is the Dvorichansky district. It is determined that the main administrative center and the largest city of the region is Kharkiv. Among other large cities are Lozova, Kupyansk, Krasnograd, Vovchansk, Barvinkovo, Bogodukhiv. These cities form a hexagon around Kharkiv.

To choose the optimal variant of the regionalization of the Kharkiv region, the calculation of the index of the measure of dissimilarity was used. The optimal result of the division of the Kharkiv region includes 10 districts with centers in the cities of Kharkiv, Balaklia, Barvinkovo, Bogodukhiv, Vovchansk, Izyum, Krasnograd, Kupyansk, Lozova, Pervomaisky. After the application of the Kristaller grid, the calculation of the index of the measure of dissimilarity for the Kharkiv region showed a value close to the average, which indicates the optimality of the model. The proposed model of a system of settlements can be used to improve the administrative and territorial structure of the Kharkiv region. The linkage of the proposed model with the decentralization reform implemented in Ukraine and, in particular, in the Kharkiv region, showed that the location of the network of joint territorial communities is very uneven in the allocated areas.


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Author Biographies

Артур Голіков, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine,

DSc (Geography), Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations

Павло Черномаз, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine,

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations


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How to Cite
Голіков, А., & Черномаз, П. (2018). Use of the theory of central places for the improvement of the administrative-territorial device of the Kharkiv region. Human Geography Journal, 24, 47-55.
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