Anthropogenic infrastructure as a component of urbogeosystems

  • Олексій Чуєв V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine,
Keywords: urbogeosystem, anthropogenic infrastructure, urbosphere, urbosystems, urboekosystems, classification of anthropogenic infrastructure


This article deals with the definition of the concept of "anthropogenic infrastructure" and attempts to find its place in the structure of urbogeosystems. The concept itself can not be called new, as many foreign authors have already used it, but the final definition never happened. The reasons why city studies are becoming more relevant in the face of ever-accelerating urbanization are briefly presented. Prerequisites for the emergence of the urban environment and approaches to its study are given. A special attention is paid to the consideration of urbosystems and their component structure. The main four components are described, which include the technosphere, biosphere, population and abiotic nature. The causes of the appearance of urban ecosystems and their specific features are analyzed. Based on the deficiencies of the "Urbosphere", "Urbosystem" and "Urboecosystem", the notion of "Urbogeosystem" is formed once again. Since architectural and construction objects are key components of such systems, their integration into anthropogenic infrastructure allows us to operate with a more general concept.

Functional zones of the city, which are part of the anthropogenic infrastructure, are described. These include residential, industrial, forest and park areas. Examples of the use and functioning of each of the zones are given. An attempt has been made to estimate the boundaries of urbogeosystems. The existing approaches to the classification of anthropogenic infrastructure are analyzed. For one of them, it is advisable to allocate separately "hard" and "soft" infrastructure by the nature of the tasks of society, which they are called upon to satisfy. An alternative approach is to divide the anthropogenic infrastructure into "human" and "physical" ones. If the first satisfies the socio-cultural needs of people, the second is used for production, development, establishment of communications, transportation. It is proved why it is expedient to single out a separate concept "anthropogenic infrastructure".


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Author Biography

Олексій Чуєв, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine,


PhD Student, Department of Social and Economic Geography and Regional Studies


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How to Cite
Чуєв, О. (2017). Anthropogenic infrastructure as a component of urbogeosystems. Human Geography Journal, 23(2), 136-140.
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