Matrimonial situation of the Rivne region in the mirror of all-Ukrainian and pan-European trends

  • Оксана Романів Zhytomyr State Technological University, Chudnivska str., 103, Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine,
  • Андрій Романів National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Soborna str., 11, Rivne, 33028, Ukraine,
  • Алла Онопрійчук Chudelska Secondary School, Shkilna st., 9, village Chudel, Sarny district, Rivne region, 34542, Ukraine,
Keywords: marriage, divorce, sustainability of marriage, marriageable age, family, household, family life cycle.


The Rivne Region has higher rates of marriages and lower rates of divorces than the average in Ukraine, but these trends diminish gradually. In the future, a general trend of growth in the index of marriage stability and its decrease in the Rivne Region can be anticipated due to the fact that marriage rates in the oblast will continue to decline while divorce rates will increase insignificantly. The most typical deformations and structural changes in the matrimonial behaviour of the population of the Rivne Region include: the strengthening of the trends of decrease in marriage rates and increase in divorce rates, the probable growth in the frequency of consensual marriages, the spread of extramarital motherhood and the rise of the average marital age. The conclusion can be made that at the current stage, the family in the Rivne Region continues to fulfil its main functions overall: birth, raising and maintenance of children. Despite the new trends in the development of institutions of marriage and family, the way of performance of the special functions of the family remains traditional: the vast majority of children are born within a registered marriage. However, there are socio-demographic phenomena whose contemporary scales testify to the adverse conditions in which families exist. In particular, the numbers of orphans and children deprived of parental care grows.

Among the most acute problems for the current demographic development is the instability of marital relations. It is paradoxical that while having some of the lowest divorce rates in Ukraine, the Rivne Region belongs to the regions of Ukraine with the highest ratios of single-parent families. The Region also witnesses a gradual shift in the age model of marriage: there is a trend towards the reduction of the amount of early marriages, increase in the average age at marriage and the difference in the age between the spouses. Although currently the oblast has favourable demographic conditions in comparison to other regions, which primarily owes to high birth rates. However, the detected negative trends in the matrimonial behaviour can radically exacerbate the situation under the condition of their augmentation.

Therefore, it is important to monitor the marital situation in the oblast and introduce effective preventative measures of socio-demographic policies, the formation of a family-friendly socio-economic environment, which must be in the centre of attention of central and local executive bodies, local communities, civil organisations and private institutions.


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Author Biographies

Оксана Романів, Zhytomyr State Technological University, Chudnivska str., 103, Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine,

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, Department of Management of Organizations and Administration

Андрій Романів, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Soborna str., 11, Rivne, 33028, Ukraine,

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, Department of Tourism

Алла Онопрійчук, Chudelska Secondary School, Shkilna st., 9, village Chudel, Sarny district, Rivne region, 34542, Ukraine,

Geography Teacher


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How to Cite
Романів, О., Романів, А., & Онопрійчук, А. (2017). Matrimonial situation of the Rivne region in the mirror of all-Ukrainian and pan-European trends. Human Geography Journal, 23(2), 75-91.
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