Displaying the agricultural load on the basin system of the Bystrica river (Ivano-Frankivsk region) on thematic maps of the geoenvironmental atlas
The article describes the methodology and the results of thematic mapping of the volume of agricultural activities in the basin system of Bystrica and covers its influence on the geoenvironmental state of basin landscapes. Resulting thematic maps are an integral part of a large-scale digital geoenvironmental atlas, the concept of which was substantiated by us earlier and which is being created for the mountain river basin in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Maps of the agricultural use of land resources reflect the structure of the land cover of the Bystrica basin at the level of sub-basin systems identified by the criteria of the EU Water Framework Directive. They show the share of agricultural lands in total area, the share of arable land in the land fund in general and in the agricultural lands in particular, the share of meadows, pastures, and abandoned lands in the structure of agricultural lands of basin systems of various ranks. An assessment of the influence of agricultural activities on the geoenvironmental state of the Bystrica basin system was carried out. The system of measures aimed at optimizing the state and functioning of this basin system and its subsystems is substantiated.
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