The transformation of communication paradigms in the light of the corporate social responsibility concepts

  • Д. О. Олтаржевський Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
Keywords: business company, company mission, corporate communications, corporate social responsibility, social marketing, social advertising, corporate media


The issue of principles which should be used by modern corporations to communicate with the audience for more effective implement of their corporate public mission and market strategy is raised in the article. Ways how appropriate spiritual and ideological values and associated with it communications approaches are capable to serve the interests of business and to harmonize its objectives with the needs of a society are studied. Analysis of the related to corporate social responsibility concepts has allowed to draw the given conclusions. The key element in business social relations is the quality of communication. The content generated by business should be based on socially valuable information. It should be direct, useful for an audience and be able to operate on universal human values. It is also important to consider the appropriate channels and methods of communication with targeted audiences. They should ensure dialogical form of communication with maximum transparency, easy accessibility, simplicity and efficiency of a feedback


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How to Cite
Олтаржевський, Д. О. (2017). The transformation of communication paradigms in the light of the corporate social responsibility concepts. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (10), 40-45. Retrieved from