The Publicism by O. Slisarenko in the «Chervonyj Shliah (Red Road)» magazine

  • І. М. Шкоріна Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця
Keywords: journalist, pseudonym, journalism, review, magazine


The article depicts the place of journalistic cooperation with the «Chervonyj Shliah (Red Road)» magazine in the life of a writer, a poet, a journalist, an author of many periodicals Oleksa Slisarenko. Here we examine many journalistic materials by O. Slisarenko published in this journal during the 20–30-ies of the XX century. We give a detailed analysis of his reviews of the collection of poems by the young Ukrainian writers as P. Holota, A. Lisovy, K. Andriychuk, of the prose collections by G. Kosynka and P. Punch, of the second collection of the literary almanac «Pluh (The Plow)» and the book by M. Sreblansky «Etude pro Futurism (An etude about Futurism)». Special attention is paid to Slisarenko’s thoughts on the specifics of formation of the new Ukrainian literature, difficulties which arise during this process. We notice that O. Slisarenko not only praises or expresses certain critical remarks of the peer-reviewed works, but also gives useful advices to their authors, shares his own writing experiences. The main accent is made on consideration of specific features og Slusarenko’s reviews


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How to Cite
Шкоріна, І. М. (2017). The Publicism by O. Slisarenko in the «Chervonyj Shliah (Red Road)» magazine. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (10), 31-35. Retrieved from