Musical and noise designs as an expressive means of infotainment
Musical and noise designs as an expressive means of infotainment on the example of the info-publicistic segment of Ukrainian television are analyzed. A distinction is made between negative and positive functions of their use. Television borrowed these expressive means from the cinema, only later enriching them with its own innovations. At first, active soundtrack was characteristic only for music programs, series, broadcasts of concerts and publicistic materials. But with the coming of infotainment on TV, these expressive means migrated to other genres. Musical and noise designs actively influence the human psyche, creating the fullness of visual perception, which is what the concept of merging information and entertainment achieves. The info-publicistic television programs on Ukrainian television are characterized by a sound score based on a compilation of music with noise and voice-over. The original track is used only as a title audio or on substrates for small forms of projects architectonics (announcements and beats). Among the positive functions of using musical and noise designs in info-publicistic projects, one can distinguish such as enhancing emotionality, transmitting associations, subtexts, the author’s attitude, creating an artistic image and implementing a scenario. Negative functions are the imposition of a certain atmosphere, the dramatization of events, the way to set the mood or tempo that do not correspond to the events on the screen. The attention is focused on the fact that the unjustified use of the studied expressive means can lead to such undesirable effects as a decrease in the severity of perception of important topics or a transfer on a subconscious level of the image depicted from the real world to a fantastic plane. Thus, the competent introduction of musical and noise designs into the context of a television plot becomes relevant.