Presentation of constitutional values in the weekly newspaper «Dzerkalo Tyzhnya. Ukraine» (September – November 2019): typological aspect

  • Євгенія Сергіївна Литвишко V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: value, anti-value, media text, mass media


The concept of «value dominance» is actively used both in linguistic and cultural studies and in the analysis of texts. Many scholars are interested in the topic of the study of value dominants, because with their help we can identify phraseological units that allow us to understand the essence of the dynamic processes that occur in national culture and in the mentality of the people – the speaker and creator of language. For the purposes of the study, the Constitution of Ukraine, Article 3, was used: «A person, his life and health, honor and dignity, integrity and security are determined in Ukraine by the highest social value». Therefore, the purpose of the article is to study constitutional values in the strong positions of the media text and to define the context in which they are used. On the basis of quantitative analysis, it was found that such values as «PERSON», «LIFE», «SECURITY» and «HEALTH» are most often found in the analyzed media texts, but there was no use of the values «HONOR», «DIGNITY», «INTEGRITY». We have come to the conclusion that constitutional values can be divided into categories: physical («LIFE», «SECURITY», «HEALTH»), spiritual («HONOR», «DIGNITY») and centric («INTEGRITY»), but all they refer to the value dominant of «HUMAN», the use of which is most frequent in the analyzed media texts. But it should be noted that the context of the use of the value of «HUMAN» is usually not positive, that is, its use in media text is often immersed in a negative context, due to anti-values.


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Author Biography

Євгенія Сергіївна Литвишко, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate student of the Journalism Department of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; Assistant Professor of Journalism at the National University of Odessa Law Academy.


How to Cite
Литвишко, Є. С. (2019). Presentation of constitutional values in the weekly newspaper «Dzerkalo Tyzhnya. Ukraine» (September – November 2019): typological aspect. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (15). Retrieved from