The role of the host’s citizenship in the author’s programme
The paper deals with the review and analysis of the formation of citizenship on samples the creation and maintenance of author’s television programmes by well-known Ukrainian television broadcasters. Here also the main trends in the influence of domestic television on the audience’s point of view are justified. The methodology of the research is based on an experimental method (to define the specificity of the influence of author’s TV programmes on the educational direction on national and regional television channels in Ukraine); method of analysis (to study the practical experience of creating author’s TV programmes for the selection of topics, problems, creatively technological means of journalistic and artistic-journalistic orientation). The scientific novelty of the research is in examining the unexplored specificity of the influence of author’s television programmes of ideological direction and the exclusive role of the mouthpieces of television leading Soviet and post-Soviet space. It is also analyzed that, on Ukrainian soil, author’s programmes and charismatic Ukrainian television hosts are an important potential of domestic television in the television industry as a whole. That is why the charismatic figures of TV leaders have been first studied and new forms of influence have been invented, among which the author’s programmes have a prominent place. Systematization of author’s programmes have showen that all of them from the point of view of the impact on the viewer are socially significant. The full range of genre-content opportunities of modern journalism shows that the author’s TV programme in both Ukrainian and world television space is not yet a separate genre of journalistic creativity, but behind leadership has the prospect of becoming a separate section of television in an artistic-journalistic nature.
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