Publicism of Yevhen Sverstiuk in the reception of his contemporaries
The article studies particular qualities of the reception of opinion-based journalism of the famous Ukrainian dissident Y. Sverstiuk (1927–2014) by his contemporaries. The works about Sverstiuk’s life and his journalistic activity have been analyzed. Then, these materials have been divided into the groups according to their immanent entity. After that, each group of these materials has been characterized. The article demonstrates that Ye. Sverstiuk had been perceived and continues to be perceived mainly as a literary critic. And his creation is mostly сonsidered as a fiction. But a fiction with national orientation like social and political journalism of Yevhen Sverstiuk was a basic form of functioning of mass communication in the Soviet Ukraine like the opposition to the propagandistic mass media. Thus, it is necessary to rethink his creation as an analogue of social communication at that time. The author offered to make the systematization of present works about life and creative activity of the journalist. The author comes to the conclusion that there are three types of the works about Ye. Sverstiuk and his creative activity. The first type is a negative review in the Soviet Union. The second one is the glorification of the dissident and his works in diaspora and in independent Ukraine. The third one is an academic study after 1991 year of Ye. Sverstiuk’s life and creation. The first type is criticism of the censored publications of dissident’s texts. According to the researcher, the reviews for investigators, which were written as an order of the State Security Committee by soviet scientists, are in this type as well. Unlike the first category, where texts of Sverstiuk were dominant, in the second one the personality of the journalist is the most important. The writers of these materials give a total positive rating of Sverstiuk’s publicism. The authors of the last scientific type are the most objective and they focus more on texts of Ye. Sverstiuk than his personality. They have no ideological bias and they recognize the important place of the dissident and his heritage in the Ukrainian culture.
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