The current situation of the research process in the sphere of the higher education institution's image creation: the theoretical aspect
This paper covers the problem of the term «image» in the analytical review of research literature. The peculiarities of the image creation process are considered in the following dimensions: economical, psychological and socio-communicative. The paper demonstrates economic, consumer and organizational elements of a higher educational institution’s competitiveness as well as directions of a higher education institution's image creation process, such as the image of the educational institution itself, the image of educational services, the image of the academic staff. The author worked out the model of the image creation process where the subject is represented by an educational institution. Also, the paper represents objective and subjective factors of a higher education institution's image creation. A personal image is created due to the interconnection of external and internal factors that form «self-image», the so-called perceived image and «necessary» image. Affective, cognitive and behavioral components are considered as the positive image creative aspects of a higher education institution. These factors are necessary to create a university’s image through the prism of the components of the image itself and the signs of students' satisfaction of this educational institution. The paper determines the main differences of socio-communicative activity in the process of a higher educational institution's image creation. Specific attention is paid to the place of Internet technologies and ranking researches on the process of a higher education institution's image creation. The author represents the characteristic of a website as one of the communication tools in the educational environment. The following criteria and indicators of a higher education institution ranking are set out: the quality of knowledge, the quality of the academic staff, the effectiveness of scientific research, the integration into the world and European educational space. The author generalizes basic scientific approaches concerning the definition of a higher education institution's image.
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