Origins of emotions (excursion into antiquity): communication aspect

  • Г. А. Бенькевич Lviv State University of Life Safety
Keywords: person, language, communication, emotions, feelings, passions, emotional intelligence


The article deals with various interpretations of such a concept as emotions. It also concerns the derivatives of the given concept. These are such concepts as feelings, passions and emotional intelligence in their historical retrospect. The common context of these concepts has been shown. The revelation of emotions in human behaviour has been analyzed. The connection of emotions, communication skills in ability to succeed has been proved. The evolution of concepts of «emotions», «feelings» and «passions» has been studied. Epicurus speaks about sensations and feelings. Democritus claims that emotions together with intelligence regulate the human behaviour. Socrates puts the mind over emotions, because he considers that emotions are devastating and not worthy of attention. Plato at first used to attach the importance to emotions but later he claimed that the human life is governed by the mind, not emotions. The Stoics held the idea, that emotions are the source of misery and mistakes, and the feelings combined with aspirations they called affects. Emotions, according to Aristotle, are accompanied by the process of cognition in the form of affections and feelings. L. da Vinci and F. Schiller have said, that feelings, combined with the mind, create a person. R. Descartes analyzes passions and emotions. His passions are material and appear in the experiences of the subject, and emotions are spiritual. It has been confirmed that during the communication people learn to correctly manifest emotions and feelings, recognize them in others, reach the goals, establish a dialogue, discuss topics, besides share information, gain knowledge, express opinions, raise the level of intelligence. The interpretation of emotions in the writings of philosophers and scientists, their revelation in the feelings and passions has been described.


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How to Cite
Бенькевич, Г. А. (2019). Origins of emotions (excursion into antiquity): communication aspect. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (13), 4-9. Retrieved from