Quantitative evaluation of the potential impact of Google search results on the public person reputation

  • А. П. Захарченко Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; Content Analysis Center
Keywords: reputation, search results, Google, content analysis, analysis of messages


The paper provides our methodology for the quantitative evaluation of the possible impact that search results have on the reputation of public persons. Using this technique will allow media analysts, PR specialists and press officers describe quantitatively the quality and acceptability of search results for their customers, to formulate a strategy for improving such results by using media communication and SEO optimization of their pages. We showcase the application of the methodology by investigating search results for the name of the director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau Artem Sytnik. Doing this, we became able to discover such features of the formation of his image as a weak potential impact of publications with openly negative tonality on the politician`s image; the high potential impact of publications with the explicit position of Artem Sytnik; lack of personal information, which leads to a one-sided image, its focus only on professional activities, without taking into account such important factors of a reputation as humanity, patriotism, and progressiveness; the high variability of the search results about Artem Sytnik, and then, the ability to adjust the results easily.


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How to Cite
Захарченко, А. П. (2019). Quantitative evaluation of the potential impact of Google search results on the public person reputation. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (14), 54-60. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/sc/article/view/14980